These are just a few of many ways massage can positively affect your mind and body. Even just a quick 10-minute rub-down can increase blood flow. Flushing out harmful bodily toxins, plumping up of loose skin and increasing energy levels are just a few of the ways that an increase of blood flow can positively affect your body. Massage has been linked to slightly increasing a person’s white blood cells, which help to fight off and prevent disease, as well as reducing stress. Massage can have a positive effect on brain waves that are connected to deeper, healthier sleep.īetter functioning of the immune system. If you have ever snoozed on the massage table, then you don’t need to be convinced any further. So any chance our body can get to fight off the stress-related hormone is a wonderful thing. This stress-inducing hormone increases blood sugar, suppresses the immune system and promotes storage of fat. Massage has been shown to reduce levels of Cortisol. Here are just several of many health benefits that massage therapy can have on you. With the hustle and bustle of the American lifestyle, it can be easy to lose track of things, especially when it comes to you and your own body. However, the benefits of touch extend way beyond soothing aches and pains. Not only does a massage feel really good, but it has been proven that even just a quick 10-minute massage can reduce muscle inflammation and alleviate stress.